New service: DigiWest® and RPPA from FFPE samples
| New Service

We are proud to announce the availability of DigiWest® and RPPA multiplex protein profiling from FFPE (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) samples, thus addressing an unmet need of molecular pathologists.
Initially established with fresh frozen cell and tissue samples, DigiWest® protein profiling studies can so far be performed with a variety of fresh frozen cells and tissues (e.g., from 2D cells, 3D organoids, PDX, tumor sections). Together with collaborators from the Charité University Clinic in Berlin, we have over the past two years worked on establishing suitable FFPE extraction and lysis protocols, and on testing over 660 antibodies in protein lysates derived from these FFPE materials.
As a result, we generated a list of 175+ antibodies that can now be used in fully customizable DigiWest® studies from FFPE samples, in addition to a list of 60+ antibodies validated for RPPA in FFPE materials.
Please learn more about our DigiWest® and RPPA services, and get in contact to receive our antibody lists as well as technical and pricing information.