MEA-Based Services
MEA (microelectrode array) offers extracellular recording with optional optical or electrical stimulation. It is performed on electrogenic tissue on the top of substrate integrated electrodes.
MEA shows certain benefits over other methods in electrophysiology:
- information on the network level,
- noninvasive,
- long term recordings,
- the cells can be cultured over days or weeks,
- "holistic" ion channel interactions.
- Safety pharmacology (seizure effects on neurons, arrhythmia on cardiac cells),
- neurotoxicity; neuronal modulation; LTP (long term potentiation),
- neurodegeneration (organotypic cultivation on brain slices/retina)
- compound MoA,
- diabetes research,
- retina research.
MEA recordings can be performed using different models including neurons, cardiomyocytes, brain slices, iPSC-derived neurons/cardiomyocytes, cardiac slices, etc. Get in contact with us to get more information.