Customer Stories
- Aminah Sheikh, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Hashimoto-Torii Lab, Center for Neuroscience Research, Children’s National Medical Center: (Acute cortex slices) “The 3D arrays help us to increase the information acquired from one experiment. We avoid the outermost, possibly damaged cell layer and can record across the 3D-structure of the slice.”
Oliver Graudejus, PhD, Founder and CEO of BMSEED LLC: "BMSEED is very happy with the quality of the products, the professional staff, and the timeliness of the correspondences. We are looking forward to working with the NMI TT for years to come"
Karl-Heinz Boven, founder of Multi Channel Systems GmbH: “We are extremely happy with our long-standing partnership! Great people, experienced staff, outstanding outcome. With NMI TT, we can offer high-quality MEAs in our product portfolio.”
Alfred Stett, PhD, CEO of Okuvision (former CTO of Retina Implant AG): “NMI TT offers the rare combination of high quality in production processes while staying flexible for extraordinary solutions. Highly Recommended!”
Christine Harendt, PhD, Head of Semiconductor Integration at IMS Chips: "We are very satisfied with the unique and high quality service that complements our own supply chain. Together we are stronger!"
- Dominik Kaltenbacher, PhD, Founder, and CEO of Vibrosonic: “NMI TT delivered key components for connecting and packaging of personalized miniaturized medical devices in our study. Their capability to quickly adapt design changes matched our ambitious schedule.”
Publication list
Flexible MEA
Corna A, et. al. Electrode-size dependent thresholds in subretinal neuroprosthetic stimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering 2018.
Stutzki H, et. al. Subretinal electrical stimulation reveals intact network activity in the blind mouse retina. Journal of Neurophysiology 2016.
MCS Publications
MCS publication list: